Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Prayer in Spring Time

here is a Jumping Feeling in my chest
My soul is doing jumping jacks
warming up for backflips and summersaults

That I'm Alive
That its summer, that it is green
that my enemies are few and my friends are many
that my family is loving and my community supportive

That i know so much and yet so little
That i can feel my toes
and smell through my nose
and make childish rhymes and noises and ideas
and not be embarrassed about it

I'm joyful for peanut butter on a spoon
or an apple or a banana
and tuna fish with mayonnaise
and chocolate chip cookies with milk at the end of a sad day
and hot chocolate on a cold one

I'm joyful because music can change my mood
and books can take me away
and i want to be famous
but i'm joyful because I'm not

The world is uncertain, and answers are few
but my soul is smiling
so i must be doing something right.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Look at this man
stare, gawk, ogle him
his proud blue in tatters
his vibrant red in shreds
his powers were super in days when men were
pure evil
unequivocal good
when madmen and bad men made hobbies of
warning of their dastardly deeds and
creating escapable death traps
and luaghed as they robbed banks and
never shot anyone

oh that he could give a glance
a single glance
and refreeze the ice caps
but his fortress of solitude is melted
and you really can never go home again

"fly!" you might urge
"fly to the sun! regain your strength!"
and he will smile and shake his head
and point to a recent study on UV rays
and the evergrowing danger of melenoma

if you sit with him he'll tell you
about children starving in kenya and dying in sudan chechnia
about rockets in palestine and bullets in belgrade
and lawsuits and lawyers litigating absolute justice
he cant save them all
he is tired and alone
and if he gives everything he has
who will save superman?